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How Tough Love Got Marcus Lemonis Where He Is, and Helping People Keeps Him There

  • Posted on: 11, 08, 2017
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Earning $1,000 dollars and employing 12 kids at the young age of 11 is quite the impressive feat. CNBC’s The Profit Host, Marcus Lemonis, shares how his early life gave him the experience he needed to become the businessman he is today. When Marcus turned 16, his father took him to a local body shop and bought a car, melded from the wrecks of two other vehicles. As any teenager might, Marcus protested, but his father advised him to accept gifts graciously and work to accomplish his dreams, instilling in him a valuable lesson.


“If you want something, you’re not entitled to it. You didn’t buy it, you didn’t pay for it. You want it? Go buy it yourself.”


Now, over 40,000 people are looking to Marcus for guidance. For him, it’s more important to change the way people think and let the profits come naturally, than it is to make money the bottom line. Find out how working for what he wanted from a young age helped Marcus become the empowered businessman and investor he is today.

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